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World's Finest Comics #2

May 16, 1941

"The Man Who Couldn't Remember"

This is an interesting one to start for two reasons. First, the opening page states that Batman and Robin are known worldwide. There's a Superman flying about and these two fighting the underworld in Gotham City are known? It's a little hard to believe. Perhaps they are a curiosity in some papers in foreign countries, but known as crimefighters? Today, this would be believable given the power of the internet, but it's a bit much to believe two years into the run of the comic in the 40s.

The other interesting thing is that we open with a gang war between two rival gangs. A hit takes out one gangster, but also injures an old man. The people on the street say the corrupt D.A. will do nothing about it. The governor appoints a special prosecutor, William Kendrick to take out the gangs. Political boss, Tim Bannon, isn't afraid and the former D.A. who is in Bannon's pocket sneers at the idea.

Kendrick works fast. He has a citizen's committee behind him and he's able to round up minor racketeers within a week. He then targets the heads of the gang with a list of names he keeps in a little black book.

While dining with Bruce, Kendrick reveals his servants have the night off and he will be alone. But the underworld finds out about this and plan to hit him. Meanwhile, the head of the Citizen's committee wants to meet with Kendrick. And then add Batman to the mix and...

Batman arrives to find Kendrick dying and the head of the committee, Taylor, injured. Kendrick says "Home, Black Book, Devil's Dungeon" before passing. Batman spots the former DA looking in from a window, but he cannot do anything about it as Taylor needs first aid. I have to admit, I like the fact that they have Taylor's blood on Batman's face and costume as he carries the injured man down the fire escape. Batman takes the injured Taylor to Linda Page to be treated. When he comes around, Taylor has lost his memory and cannot help Batman with who attacked them.

Batman has Robin bring the Batmobile around as they all head out to Kendrick's home in the suburbs. They are beaten to the house by the gangsters who set up a roadblock of their two cars hoping Batman will crash into them. He does, but not the way they expect as he speeds up the car and plows through the two cars.

At the home, the power is out and so they have to walk about by candlelight. There's a moment of 40s chauvinism as Batman comments how Linda is just like a woman, always asking questions.

Batman determines the book is hidden behind a painting called Devil's Dungeon. They then hear the gangsters arrival and Batman and Robin take them on. Batman gets the chance to play at The Shadow by throwing his voice in the darkness, spooking the men.

Some of the men find Linda and Taylor. One of them strikes him from behind. Batman and Robin arrive to save the two. The blow sparks Taylor's memory. The problem is Taylor remembers he was the one who killed Kendrick. Turns out Taylor was the leader of one of the gangs. The other gangs were keen on getting him so he wouldn't reveal anything to the police should he be caught. Taylor dies from a fall during a fight with Batman, but in the end, the major gangs are routed thanks to all this.

This was a good story. There was that part of me that thought Taylor might be the one to kill Kendrick when all this was set up, but the amnesia element diverted me from that thinking which led to the surprise ending. I'm glad they didn't go with the easy Taylor faking amnesia to get to the book. This made the story much more interesting.

What's next? Stay tuned, Citizens!

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