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Detective Comics #42

July 4, 1940

"The Case of the Prophetic Pictures"

Now here's one with a real mysterious edge to it. An up and coming artist is celebrated by a wealthy patron, Wylie. At a gathering to show off his work, many seem more interested in how useless guest Bruce Wayne. Bruce is introduced to the artist, Antal and his agent, Mr. Bleek. Bleek intends to make his client one of the greatest societal artists.

Antal is accosted at one point by the brother of a woman who committed suicide after she was rebuffed by Antal. This is followed by another man who is upset that Antal is having an affair with his wife.

In the days that follow the party, a serious of mysterious deaths occur with each victim having had a self portrait made by Antal. The portraits are defaced with darts or knives and the victims died by the same method.

Batman visits the high rise apartment of the patron who believes he is next when he finds a rope over the painting. Batman climbs the side of the building using suction cups on his hands and knees. But he is too late. Unfortunately, the police arrive and suspect him. Batman quickly gets away from them.

A few days later, Bruce visits Commissioner Gordon when Antal arrives. He is upset that someone is trying to ruin him. Anton runs down the list of suspects that now includes Bleek who he has fired.

Two others come forward, concerned as they have had their portraits defaced. One of them, Wylie the original patron, managed to avoid the murderer but was shot in the process. The other, Travers, found found an arrow in his picture. But he plans to avoid the killer by taking a trip on his friend's yacht.

Batman sends Robin to the yacht to protect Travers and he manages to do so by stopping the disguised killer with his sling shot. The murderer manages to get away.

Batman decides he needs to draw the murderer out. He commissions a painting from Antal and soon after, he finds bullet holes in the portrait. Bruce sits it out, waiting for the killer to make his move.

And it works as that night the killer strikes. But Batman is waiting for him. Batman takes him down and we learn that Bruce had a dummy in the chair, moving thanks to Dick underneath.

The killer is revealed to be Wylie who hoped to make a fortune on the notoriety of the paintings. Before he can be taken by the police, Wylie puts the gun to his head and kills himself.

This has to be the best story to date in terms of a murder mystery. And it ends with Bruce telling the police that the Batman saved his life. It's not really a lie. And what's next for our heroes? Stay tuned, Citizens!

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