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Detective Comics #31

August 10, 1939

(Batman vs. The Vampire)

The story opens without a title once again, but we are told that Batman will face a villain worth his "metal" - the Monk. We finally get the name of the city Batman operates in, but it's New York.

The story opens with Batman saving a man from the advances of a hypnotized woman. He is shocked to learn it's Bruce Wayne's fiance, Julie Madison. Bruce later brings her to his doctor who suggests she take a cruise to Europe and visit Hungary, home of werewolves. Bruce notes the doctor appears hypnotized.

Bruce follows the cruise ship with the aid of his Batgyro. He also equips himself with gas vials and a "Baterang". The folks of New York panic as they see the shadow of the Bagyro in the sky. Batman arrives on the boat where he meets Julie, but also has an encounter with the Monk who tries to hypnotize him. Batman distracts him with the Baterang and escapes in the Batgyro.

Batman arrives in Paris where he is trapped by the Monk in a net and lowered into a pit of snakes. He escapes, this time taking Julie with him. He flies with her to Hungary for his next confrontation with the Monk and his werewolves! Yes, that wasn't just something the doctor said in passing. The last panel says there will be werewolves.

So far, these have been adventure stories, but save for the first installment, there has been no real detective work.

To be continued, Citizens!

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