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Batman #5 - Story 1

April 15, 1941

"The Riddle of the Missing Card"

Our first story opens with the discovery that the Joker has once again survived. Having been thrown into the sewer system in the last story, he swam his way to freedom where he is picked up by a gang of jewel smugglers who have not had much luck lately thanks to the war. They are hoping the Joker can improve their fortunes with a new scheme.

The Joker comes onto the idea that with this new gang - Queenie, Diamond Jack Deegan, and Clubsy - that he has the makings of a hand of cards. This leads him to the idea of setting up a gambling boat three miles outside Gotham City where the police can't touch them. There, they will fleece their wealthy patrons of their money at the tables while learning about what jewels they may have in their homes to rob. This plays into Joker's love for jewels, but he doesn't mention it here. As they celebrate their union, I can't help but feel this is the original Royal Flush Gang. I know it's not in cannon, but it sure looks like it.

And I wonder if this issue inspired Robert Dozier to use the name Queenie in his "The Joker is Wild" story in the 66 series. While Joker doesn't run a crooked gambling ship, he does steal a cruise liner in the story.

The papers call for the removal of the gambling boat, but the police are helpless as the boat is outside their jurisdiction. But Batman can get involved and so Bruce boards the boat and mingles. He meets Queenie who finds him very handsome despite a bad cut he picked up shaving.

Unfortunately, he overhears her and the others talking with a disguised Joker about another target they have planned to rob. Clubsy knocks Bruce out and they throw him overboard, despite Queenie's protests.

Bruce makes it back to shore and returns home where he and Robin race to the docked ship in the Batmobile. And here is where we see a proper Batmobile, one with the head of the bat on the front grill. It looks really nice.

At the boat, the duo quickly get into it with the gang. Joker escapes with Batman in pursuit in the Batmobile. He is forced off the road when Joker plays chicken. Sadly, it's the end of this first Batmobile as Batman leaps away in time.

Back at the boat, Robin has been captured. Joker finds his radio unit and uses it to confirm Batman is alive or dead and tells Batman to come alone to the boat if he wants to see Robin alive.

Batman arrives on the boat and plays Joker in a card game for their lives which Joker naturally cheats at. Batman tosses the deck in Joker's face and a fight breaks out. Joker once again escapes, setting fire to the boat and locking his gang and Batman and Robin in a room. Jack is more concerned with killing Batman and so Queenie is forced to kill him. As he passes, he shoots Queenie with a fatal shot. She reveals she knows he's Bruce as she spotted the cut from his shave and they kiss as she dies.

Batman and Robin escape the room and pursue Joker to a lighthouse where Joker manages to throw Batman off, but he himself is thrown off by Robin. Batman manages to stop his fall, but Joker has disappeared.

As for the Joker, he is moving away from his original MO as he is no longer working alone and using death as a way to strike fear into his victims. He's not using his nerve venom to paralyze people with the fearful grin. Even when he has Bruce tossed overboard, he says he regrets it as he's doing it to protect his secret and not as something sick. It's like they have taken the edge from the character. But now, it looks like he's dead, but then we've seen this before. Is this the end of the Joker? Of course not, but stay tuned, Citizens!

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