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Batman #1 - Story 4

April 25, 1940

(The Joker Returns)

It doesn't take long for the Joker to escape from jail via chemicals he mixes from two false teeth. This was an interesting play on DC's part, having Joker bookend the stories in this first issue of Batman. Have to wonder if that played into his fast popularity.

He quickly picks up his killing spree, taking out a police chief by screaming his name into a phone, the force sending a needle planted in the chief's phone into the chief's ear, killing him.

He does change things up a little in that in killing the chief, he doesn't steal anything from him, but rather steals a painting the next night. He follows this up by stealing a rare gem and killing its owner. He then says he will steal the Cleopatra necklace and Batman decides at this point to step in.

Batman confronts the Joker as he is about to take the necklace and they fight. He gets the upper hand on Batman and is about to land the death blow when the police arrive. He escapes, but Batman appears helpless as the police try to unmask him. Batman does escape, but it's a nice bit of pacing as the threat happens at the bottom of a page and you need to turn the page to see how this "cliffhanger" is resolved.

We switch scenes to reformer Edgar Martin working up a crowd over the Joker - if the police can't take him, the people must. So, of course, the Joker wants to take Martin out. There is a bit of irony as Martin turns to the police for protection when they have clearly been ineffectual before which led to his speaking out in the first place.

The police have the place surrounded and one of the cops suggests Martin play cards to calm down. He pricks his finger on the razor sharp edge of a card and discovers all the cards are Jokers. He has been poisoned and dies, Joker's poison was on all the edges of the razor sharp cards.

Bruce visits Gordon who jokingly says Batman will be taking his job if he can't get Joker. And in a scene right out of the 66 series, Bruce suggests playing up Joker's love for jewels and promote the display of a famous gem which will get Joker's attention. Something else I noticed as I read this that I missed about Gordon in previous issues - he's a red head!

Joker reads about the fire ruby and wonders if it is a trap. But he can't help himself. He is attracted to jewels like a magpie. How long before this attribute is dropped and I wonder if anyone ever played it up in more recent comics? And Joker remains true to form in that he announces he plans to steal the fire ruby.

That night, the Joker guns down the police guarding the ruby as his gas is useless against their masks. He gets to the roof where Robin is waiting. Joker knocks him off the roof, but Robin stops his fall by grabbing a flag pole.

On the street below, Joker is about to shoot Robin when Batman advances on him. Joker aims for Batman's head, knowing he has a bulletproof vest. He is stopped by Robin who lands right on him.

Batman and Joker have it out, which Joker pulling a knife that he manages to stab himself with. Joker laughs as he dies in front of Batman. The two run off as the police arrive who discover the Joker is not dead and he will survive as they take him away in an ambulance.

So when will the Joker return? Based on how quickly he does within the pages of the very comic he debuts, one can assume it will be quickly. Not sure how quickly the character caught on with the audience, but it is clear the writers were enamored with this Laughing Jester of Death.

Stay tuned, Citizens!

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