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Batman #1 - Story 1

April 25, 1940

(The Joker)

As with Superman, Batman eventually got his own comic book. Unlike now where we get one complete story that either stands alone or is part of a multi-story arc, we instead are given an anthology of Batman stories, four in total. And while it is interesting to note that we are introduced to two of Batman's most famous villains - Joker and Catwoman - two of the stories in this first issue deal with the Joker. We'll focus on one story a day, as we do with the Batman segment of Detective Comics.

The comic actually opens with a reprint of the two page origin story we got in a previous issue of Detective Comics. It's a shame as a full blown origin story would have made sense in an anthology comic about Batman.

The first story introduces the Joker. When one looks at the front splash page, it's clear the influence was from the silent film The Man Who Laughs. Joker is homicidal, using fear to distract people from his ability to commit his crimes. He sends out radio messages that he will kill rich people and rob them. As the police guard the person and his valuables, they watch the Joker's victim collapse before them. When the body is examined, they find the victim with a grotesque grin on his face.

Batman doesn't get involved right away, saying the time wasn't ripe. He only dons the cowl when he finds the criminal element of the city are upset with Joker's success and plan to kill him. Batman tells Robin to remain behind.

The criminals plan an ambush which Batman disrupts, allowing Joker to get away. Batman pursues by leaping into the escaping car. The two struggle as the car goes over off a bridge. Joker disappears, but it is quickly seen he is setting up his latest victim, the judge who put him away. Batman has Robin observe the judge's house and follow anyone who exits. Robin is captured by Joker and is saved from having Joker's venom injected into him by Batman who followed his tracks left by a substance Batman created that can only be viewed in infra-red light.

The duo track the Joker to his next intended victim and quickly round him up. It's an interesting ending as we have our only second villain (Hugo Strange being the first) to not be killed. And we'll quickly see Joker's return in this very issue. You know what else we'll see in this very issue?


Stay tuned, Citizens!

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